Group Therapy

Sometimes you need a team to have your back.

Has your bad day turned into a bad week or bad month?

You’re not alone. Group therapy can help.

Talk about a range of different experiences your ideal client might have, and then offer some hope. 3-7 lines for the whole section.

Talk about what you offer.

About the experience of therapy. What it helps and why it helps. If you use a specific approach that you think your client needs to know about, one option is to mention it here, and then you can make your button “Learn more about ___therapy”. Just make sure to create a page dedicated to that specific therapy. Or this button could say “Learn more about me.”


Reasons clients come to see me.


Specialty #1

This is one option, you don’t have to do this, but sometimes it can be good to have a section like this that kind of names all the different reasons your clients believe that they are coming in. So these might be contextual things that you see a lot in your practice.


Specialty #3

It’s also a place you can name-check symptoms like “anxiety or depression” “sleep problems” etc. if that is something that your clients come in for a lot and that you think they will identify with. Or you can name some specific populations that you see (e.g “Gender identity” “LGBTQIA couples” “Military veterans”). This is good for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Specialty #2

For example, things like relationship problems, divorce, job loss, career changes, procrastination, parenting, caring for elderly parents, dealing with the empty nest (basically life cycle stuff that once you start working with the person you will go beyond, but it is important to name so that the client feels seen).


Specialty #4

As far as design,  you could also make this 1 row of three instead of 2 rows of two (as it is currently).  There’s pre-made layouts for 2 rows of 3 and 1 row 4, etc.  You can find those using the “Add Section” button and clicking “List".


Note: for this button, you don’t need it if you already have a “learn more about me” button above, just as long as it’s somewhere.

Put your “call-to-action” here and encourage people to get in touch with you.